Rob Liefeld has been around the comic book industry long enough to see some of its most famous characters created on paper and re-created on film. This year, one of his own made its big-screen debut when Ryan Reynolds played Deadpool in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." (And Liefeld's original team series "Youngblood" might not be far behind in making its debut, too.)
MTV News chatted up the Image Comics co-founder to get his reaction to Deadpool's first appearance on the big screen, and to find out what he hopes gets left behind when the character moves on to his own solo film.
"I have a scale, with worst possible interpretation of a character being Halle Berry as Catwoman, to best possible interpretation of a character being Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Ron Perlman as Hellboy, Patrick Stewart as Professor X, or Christian Bale as Batman," Liefeld told MTV News. "I would put Deadpool, in this inception, much closer to the side where they got it right."
Liefeld praised the movie's version of Deadpool as being true to his initial vision for the wisecracking mercenary -- and explained why the character audiences saw at the end of the film isn't actually that far off.
"When I created Deadpool, the entire backstory that was pitched was that he was the junk left over from a bad Weapon X experiment," Liefeld explained. "When I look at the film, there's no reason he can't go and become that guy I created."
However, that's not to say that director Gavin Hood and the film's writers got off without any criticism from Liefeld.
"Look, katanas coming out of the hand? Not a fan. But you get over it," he admitted. "Do I believe Deadpool will be shooting optic blasts out of his eyes down the road? No, I don't believe he will."
The Dark X-Men the next Movie?, X Men Deadpool or Colossus?
For Comments and reactions about the uncanny X-Men or new X men movie
who will win the production is it X Men Deadpool or X Men Darksteel Colossus?
How will be the story jump off to another X-men character?
What would be the spin of the story?
ka guapo gud ani nga blog. power!